Shut Up and Listen: Small Town Stories

Shut Up and Listen: 2023 Recap and 2024 Kick-off

Sarah&Renee Season 3 Episode 35

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Whoopsies… it’s been a minute! Hello, 2024! 

Sarah and Renee revisit and recap their annual meeting which took place last month and encompassed the collective results of their economic development, chamber of commerce, and convention + visitor’s bureau offices. This year, the meeting addressed more of the organizational challenges that have led to recent changes within their team and also showcased all of the success Fostoria experienced in 2023. 

In light of all of these changes and in listening to those who have taken part in any or all of the offered programs,  there's been some personnel changes and there are more tweaks being made for the coming year. For example, there are advancements coming to fruition in residential housing and we’re also planning a small business summit for the fall.

Additional highlights include: 

  • The Fostoria Learning Center served 1,000+ more YOY and increased offerings to 65 certifications; it’s truly become a more regional resource beyond the tri-county area
  • $4.7 million in grant dollars flowed through our collective offices and were secured for Fostoria, Ohio

Renee puts out a prediction… “2024 will exceed 2023 in all numbers and across the board.” Listen-in to learn how this year is shaping up to be a BIG ONE! 

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