Shut Up and Listen: Small Town Stories

Shut Up and Listen: The New Fostoria Ohio Mayor

Sarah&Renee Season 2 Episode 34

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We came, we laughed, and we closed a chapter. At the same token, we introduced a new chapter for our community. "Former Mr. Mayor meet the NEW Mr. Mayor!"

It's true, our time on the couch with Eric Keckler is officially coming to a close. There were so many projects he saw to fruition during his twelve years as Mayor of Fostoria. From infrastructure improvements to establishing Snow Queens, he's supported us all... So, the next time you see him buying bacon at Kroger, you can just walk up to him and say, "Hey Eric! Nice bacon."

And then there's Don... It will be such a big change for many of us to work alongside Don Mennel, but he brings an entirely new expertise to the role. There are big things coming up quickly for Fostoria and we definitely feel Don is the right man to facilitate and execute each item on our collective agenda.

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